Westminster Rustic Red Cheddar

Westminster Rustic Red Cheddar



Cheese Texture/Type:


Cheese Milk Type:


Cheese Age:

10 months

This month’s Westminster Rustic Red Cheddar came about by happenchance – the cheesemaker accidentally added a helveticus culture – lactobacillus helveticus, indigenous to the alpine regions of Europe – to a traditionally savory cheddar recipe. Thankfully for us, Westminster’s cheesemaking mistake resulted in an especially colorful and delicious cheddar – and we are thrilled to share it with you!

The milk for this sweet Rustic Red Cheddar comes primarily from Holstein Fresian cows that feed on foraged grass in the United Kingdom’s Somerset region. Some of the area’s oldest and most respected cheesemaking families in the world (they have spent over 170 years perfecting their craft!) then make this Rustic Red using only salt, that “mistake” culture, vegetarian rennet, and annatto color – which gives it a truly eye-catching, orange-red hue – then age it for a minimum of 10 months prior to release.

The helveticus culture creates a slightly fractured or crunchy texture – which results in this cheese’s hallmark crumble and snap when you bite it – making it the perfect cheddar for your cheeseboard. To serve, allow it to warm to room temperature to release all the flavors. While it is visually beautiful, it also has an irresistible flavor profile – it’s delicate, slightly sweet, and savory – with notes of toasted nuts and caramel – all wrapped up in a luxuriously smooth and velvety mouthfeel that lingers on the finish.

In lieu of a cheeseboard, also try this cheese in recipes that call for cheddar, like a topping for burgers and other warm sandwiches, roasted vegetables, baked potatoes – and to make vibrantly colored and decadent macaroni and cheese. For beverage pairings, we suggest enjoying this Rustic Red with spicy red wines like Syrah and Zinfandel, or aged reds like Barbaresco, Barolo, Bordeaux blends, and Rioja. Instead of wine, you can also try this cheese with red ales, porters, and hard ciders.

International Variety of Cheeses

Experience International Variety

You might receive a Gaperon, originating in France during the 14th Century, an
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caves of Valsassina…all in one shipment!